Alex Lucinio

When we first met Alex Lucinio in the Crane Family series, he was a young punk who had aspirations of his own and wanted out of the mafia more than anything in the world. He was cocky. Arrogant. And only thought of himself. But throughout the series, Alex grew up and went through an immense amount of strife that both changed him and made him the man he became. Read on to learn all about Alex!

Okay. So, I’ll be honest. Alex has one hell of a beginning. When I originally dreamt him up, he was supposed to be the villain of Billion Dollar Love Story. Unfortunately, Alex Lucinio had other plans. Plans that did not include being the asshole I intended him to be. Yeah. What a jerk. 

So, I created another character to be my bad guy. Josh Lucinio. But Alex and Josh hated that idea, too. Of course they did. Why wouldn’t they?

I ended up completely changing my entire story because of them and writing a whole new one. Enter Sweet Lies. Their backstory. Only it sort of ended up just being a taste of their backstory. Turns out their backstory was a lot worse than we all imagined. Alex ended up being a good guy that we all ended up loving. And we ended up with a whole series based around him, his brother, and the entire Lucinio clan. 

Because, you know. That’s how demanding Alex is. 

When I began writing Rising From The Ashes, I actually intended for Alex to have done sort of a 180. I wanted him to be an asshole. Rising From The Ashes was supposed to be an enemies to lovers/office bully romance. Alex was supposed to be jaded because of everything that happened with his father. He was supposed to be pissed off. Suspicious as hell of Raleigh and beyond angry at his feelings for her. I even wanted him to be a little rough with her. Violent even. I mean, I was honestly going to write something totally different than what I’ve ever written. Protective Alpha who hates the FMC with a passion but won’t let anyone else touch her. 

Alex is far too loud for that, though. He let me get away with a little bit of it, but when it stopped feeling like he wanted it to, he stopped talking to me. Yeah. He was kind of a dick. It wasn’t until I actually started listening to him that his story actually started flowing. Alex didn’t want to be bitter and angry. He wanted to show that yes, he went through a lot of stuff. He had a messed up life. He was absolutely suspicious of Raleigh because of where she came from. But that doesn’t mean he can’t see reason. 

In the end, I truly feel like Alex not only grew up, but he evolved into the man he wanted to be. Not the man I wanted him to be. He had a very different vision than I did, and we both hope that you enjoyed his story as much as we enjoyed telling it! 

What do you think? Did Alex turn out to be who you thought he would be? Did he surprise you? Leave me a comment and let me know!